Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Watching Praise Baby
Isn't he so precious!? We have these wonderful DVD's called Praise Baby. The second the first note plays on the menu he is GLUED in. (His cousin Allison is too!) It's awesome that they can learn Praise and Worship along with their ABC's!
Starting to Pull Up
Bryan has mastered scooting and is now trying to learn the art of pulling up! He gets about this far and isn't sure what else to do. We've stood him up all the way a few times and he doesn't realize that he has to hold on! HA! Stay tuned because I'm sure it won't be long and he'll be cruising around the furniture!
Another quick update: He has a top tooth coming in and another on the way. Funny thing is that it's not the 2 front teeth! It's the ones beside them!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Bryan's a Ghost!!
Short clip of what Jamie saw when she went to check on Bryan fussing in his crib today...
New Face
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Guess who slept through the night last night?!!?!??! YES--I did! hahaha! :) No, Bryan and I both did! Usually when I hear him wake up I get up and look at the clock on my way out of the room. I seriously did a double take when I saw the clock reading 5:26!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He ate and then slept until 9:20! After 8 months of not sleeping I feel wonderful. I'm sure Bryan does too! :)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Fun Trip to the Farm
Sug and Pops have a farm in Webster County. We loaded up the car Friday and traveled up there for a fun and relaxing weekend. Matt and Sug spent Saturday morning fishing while I, Aunt Lou Lou, and Sug fished that afternoon. All together we had 45 fish. (mostly brim)
While there Bryan learned how to sit up all by himself! He's also creeping very well. I'd say in about 2 weeks he'll be a pro at crawling! I see baby proofing in our very near future.
Today (Sunday) we went to Sherwood Baptist Church to hear Kirk Cameron speak on "The Way of the Master" evangelism. AWESOME!!! He is STILL so cute but most importantly has such a huge heart for God and a passion for the lost.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I can't even believe that Bryan will be 8 months old in 6 days. In the mornings I put him in the bed with me for his last hour or so of sleep. I love that time together. He has been sleeping on his side or stomach lately, but I woke up to him laying exactly like he did when he was just born. (He is 10 days old in the picture on the left.) Where does the time go?
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Bryan's First Easter
We are here in Phenix City today for Easter. Praise the Lord for He is Risen!!!
Matt, Bryan, and I have had a wonderful weekend here and had a great day in the Lord at NorthStar today! Bryan did great during big church until the end when he got very sleepy. Granna took him to the kid's worship area and he LOVED watching the kids sing and dance. :)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Meebo & Joost
You'll notice that there's 2 new buttons over on the right hand side of our page now, and they look like this:

Meebo is an online messaging service that allows you to sign into AIM, Yahoo's Messenger, ICQ, GoogleTalk, MSN Messenger, and Jabber all at the same time. This also means you can have your buddylist with you wherever you go, even if the computer you go to doesn't have any IM software installed on it.
Joost is basically a new service that allows you to watch TV on your computer. I've just gotten into their beta testing group and the technology itself is really cool, but the program's a bit buggy and there's not too much content yet. In short, it's not ready for Joe Internet User. But, if you want to see what it's like, sign up for the beta program and you should get an email before too long inviting you to download the software,
Meebo is an online messaging service that allows you to sign into AIM, Yahoo's Messenger, ICQ, GoogleTalk, MSN Messenger, and Jabber all at the same time. This also means you can have your buddylist with you wherever you go, even if the computer you go to doesn't have any IM software installed on it.
Joost is basically a new service that allows you to watch TV on your computer. I've just gotten into their beta testing group and the technology itself is really cool, but the program's a bit buggy and there's not too much content yet. In short, it's not ready for Joe Internet User. But, if you want to see what it's like, sign up for the beta program and you should get an email before too long inviting you to download the software,
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Ubuntu anyone?
If anyone's reading this and has an older computer around that you think may be on it's last legs, I urge you to dive headfirst into Ubuntu. It's a linux distribution built for the average user and you really can pick it up and get started without being a geek. If you're feeling adventurous, go download a CD image or request one to be shipped to you. So what's the best part? It's FREE. That's right, no cost. Some of the biggest companies in the world are already using Linux, shouldn't you see what all the fuss is about? Oh, and here's a few resources for the Linux newbs:
What We're Up To...
I just wanted to write and tell you what Bryan is up to lately! He is scooting around the floor a lot and putting his knees up under him. He's also rolling over all the time now. He hits his head on occasion, but we think he is starting to get the hang of putting his head down BEFORE he rolls over. :) Let's see...he's sitting up all by himself and playing on the floor with his toys. He's starting to cry more, which is strange because he has never cried in the past. This mainly happens when he's really tired...or mad...or if we take something away that he wants to chew on which makes him mad! :) Bryan is doing great with his solid foods. We still need to work on sleeping through the night. This past week has been ROUGH to say the least. I think his ears are bothering him. He pulls on them sometimes, but I'm not sure if he's discovered them or if they hurt. We have an appointment with his pediatrician in the morning to check them out. Hopefully and Prayerfully this is why he wakes up every 2 hours!!!!
Matt and I are doing great. Matt went to Americus Monday to help Sumter Regional Hospital rack servers in a temporary data center since their building was severely damaged by a tornado a few weeks back. He may have to go again next week. He said the building looks and smells like a lot of the buildings here in Albany did in 1994 when it flooded. It could be 3 years or more before they are able to reopen the hospital.
I am still keeping Allison a couple of mornings a week for Mary Lynn. Other than that it's just me and Bryan hanging out all day. I LOVE it! I couldn't ask for anything better!!! has a Verse of the Day listed. I'm going to try to start posting them. Here's todays.
Matt and I are doing great. Matt went to Americus Monday to help Sumter Regional Hospital rack servers in a temporary data center since their building was severely damaged by a tornado a few weeks back. He may have to go again next week. He said the building looks and smells like a lot of the buildings here in Albany did in 1994 when it flooded. It could be 3 years or more before they are able to reopen the hospital.
I am still keeping Allison a couple of mornings a week for Mary Lynn. Other than that it's just me and Bryan hanging out all day. I LOVE it! I couldn't ask for anything better!!! has a Verse of the Day listed. I'm going to try to start posting them. Here's todays.
“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace”- Ephesians 1:7
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Friday Fun
ML and I took a few quick pictures of 2 tired babies on Friday out by the beautiful azalea bushes in her yard. Bryan and Allison both wanted to eat the pinestraw. Of course when I took it from him he got upset. (top right photo!) Anyway, these were too cute not to share.
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