I am laying in the bed, typing on my iphone, and thinking about my last night in our Albany house. It's kinda sad, but exciting at the same time. Matt has been in Birmingham 3 weeks too long without his family. it'll be fun to reunite in our new place to call home.
I found this neat thing I was going to post but I can't copy and paste so it'll have to wait, but it's about how this home is our Bethleham. It's where our little family began. (I'll post it as soon as we get a computer hooked up.) This is a house with so many memories!! one of the first is from May 2003 when my sister and all of us got ready here for her wedding day. there have been baby showers and wedding showers. we also had game nights every Tuesday night for over a year. Believing God, by Beth Moore was studied here!! (do you remember the 5 points??) Christmases and many birthdays have been celebrated here. one of the most special things was, of course, bringing Bryan home from the hospital. many of his "firsts" happened right here!!
I can't wait to share with you the many memories our new home will have in store!!
The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy!!