We made a surprise trip to Albany on Saturday. Let me just tell you too, they were shocked! :) It was wonderful watching their faces register that we were actually there.
Lyndi was in town with Grant so we loaded the boys up Sunday afternoon and took them to the Pumpkin Patch. Enjoy the pictures!
We stopped in Phenix City on the way back. Mom has pictures and video of B counting on her blog. You can get there by clicking here.
Being a stay-at-home mom is a lot of fun. It's a lot of work too, but mostly fun. :) I was talking to another stay-at-home mom one day and we were saying how most people think we are lucky because we get to be at home. The truth is, for people like us, it has nothing to do with luck. It's all about sacrifice. To be honest, we live pay check to pay check, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. A little extra money on the side would be nice, but I know God is teaching me lots of lessons on my spending habits. The main lesson being, don't spend money. lol
Bryan gets bored a lot and getting out and about is always fun, but there is always the temptation to spend money.
So, this is where I need all of your input :) What can I do with Bryan to help keep him entertained during the day? He's bored with coloring. Playing outside is always fun, but we haven't done as much of it because it was so hot. Thankfully it's cooling off now. I'm kind of stuck. How do (or did) you keep your toddlers entertained? If you don't have kids I know you still have ideas! I can't wait to see what you all say!
Walking, stumbling on these shadowfeet Toward home, a land that I've never seen I am changing Less and less asleep Made of different stuff than when I began And I have sensed it all along Fast approaching is the day
When the world has fallen out from under me I'll be found in you, still standing When the sky rolls up and mountains fall on their knees When time and space are through I'll be found in you
There's distraction buzzing in my head Saying in the shadows it's easier to stay But I've heard rumours of true reality Whispers of a well-lit way
When the world has fallen out from under me I'll be found in you, still standing When the sky rolls up and mountains fall on their knees When time and space are through I'll be found in you
You make all things new
When the world has fallen out from under me I'll be found in you, still standing When the sky rolls up and mountains fall on their knees When time and space are through I'll be found in you
When the world has fallen out from under me I'll be found in you, still standing Every fear and accusation under my feet When time and space are through I'll be found in you When time and space are through I'll be found in you When time and space are through I'll be found in you
I have just started really going through our beach pictures. I'm trying to edit a few, delete bad ones, and put them in order. We literally have hundreds. The one above is one of my favorites of our family. I especially like the placement of the ball! haha! I told Penny that I might just carry one around with me :)
it's only 71 degrees here today. the high is 76! praise the Lord! it's supposed to get to 80 tomorrow and stay in the low 80's all week. I LOVE FALL! i've been so ready for it to get here that i went ahead and put out my first pumpkin decoration :)
Our car has been having air conditioner troubles for almost 2 years. We've had several people look at it and have already spent almost $1,000 on repairs. Last week we were told the condenser was leaking and would need to be replaced. Before we spent another $1,100 dollars we wanted to see what my uncle, Big Daddy Bill, thought about it. So I decided to make a spur of the moment trip to Kentucky. Mom went along with me and Bryan. We also had another passenger....Margo! Margo and Bryan had a great time together. They really kept each other entertained and played well together for 2 two year olds :)
We arrived Tuesday night in time for bed. Wednesday we stayed inside all day and played, with the exception of going to eat Roy's BBQ. (it's the best!) Thursday we went to Bowling Green to Chaney's Diary Farm. There we had wonderful sandwiches for lunch and ice cream for dessert. They make everything right there at the diary. After lunch we took Margo and Bryan over to see their baby cows, goats, and rabbits. That afternoon they took very long naps and in the evening played hard outside. (you'll see Bryan's sweaty head in the pictures) We left to come home this morning and wish we were still there.
this cracked me up! i love all of the 80's hairstyles! i also, truely, love the 50's styles. sometimes i wish i would have been born in that era. :)
our computer is still down, but we hope it will be fixed monday. we've been using matt's work laptop in the evenings to check our email and such.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Jamie, Bryan and I are currently in Johnny Ray's eating dinner, and a rather large lady just walked in wearing a black and white flecked shirt. Bryan promptly turned around and proclaimed "It's cow!" Jamie and I laughed pretty hard about it, right after we made sure that lady didn't hear. :)
we are finally home from our beach trip. we weren't ready to come back, that's for sure! :) we had a wonderful time. bryan LOVED the beach. he especially loved to chase the birds and swim in the pool.
anyway, we got home to find the motherboard on our computer fried so i'm not sure when i'll have another post. i'll be working on one so we can tell you all about our trip.
in the meantime you can see lots of pictures from our trip on our picasa webalbums. you can find them here.