Bryan is growing up too fast. I'm sure all of you moms think the same about your children. Even if they are on the road to 30...... :)
Yesterday I put some big boy underwear on Bryan and he didn't want to take them off. So I had him go pee pee every hour or so. He did great with that and even told me one time when he needed to go. The only potty training supplies I had were underwear, so today I went and got him a seat that attaches to the potty, more underwear, and some disposable sheets that you put on top of a public toilet. He's worn his underwear all day both days, except naptime and bedtime, and hasn't had an accident yet. We've been to Target, out to eat, and Bass Pro Shop today without any problem. He used the potty at Bass Pro like a big boy. He loves to tell you all about his "big boy underwear" too. So funny!
I have waited to potty train him because I wanted him to be past ready. I really don't want to drag it out for a long time and if he keeps going like he has these past two days, my prayers have been answered. :) I guess the next thing is learning to poo poo in the potty. Only problem with that, right now, is that he goes first thing in the morning as soon as he wakes up. We'll cross that bridge later. :)