Today Bryan is 3! That is so hard to believe! We've already had a couple of family celebrations so I think we will take it easy today and celebrate as our small family of three. He's already gotten all of his big birthday gifts, but he has a couple of new puzzles I can wrap up for him to open. His big present from us is a new big boy room. We will set that up after we get home from our beach vacation.
I asked him last night what he wanted to do for his birthday and he answered he wants to go to "Target popcorn." That's his way of saying he wants to go to Target to get popcorn! :) So, I think we will do that after he eats waffles for breakfast. His favorite thing to eat out is Mexican, but the only thing he eats there is chips and salsa, but I have a feeling that's what he'll want for supper. (We just had Mexican Saturday night. haha! Maybe I'll just get him some "chips and dip dip" for lunch. I love Mexican whenever. Matt won't want it again.)
It's crazy to think that 3 years ago this morning I didn't even know Bryan. Now I know him as a very silly, yet strong opinionated little boy. He LOVES to laugh and to make people laugh. I love that quality about him. Some other things he loves are his guitar, music of all kinds, Guitar Hero, jumping on the bed, chips & dip dip (of course), m&m's, Kashi cereal that he calls "kind cheerios", grapes, cheetos, "Hosanna" and "Better is One Day", tobyMac, Max & Ruby, Simba (Simma, as he calls her), Imagination Movers, Tom & Jerry, taking a bath, sleeping!, Miss Amy at church, and puzzles. Just to name a few. :)
He's learned to be scared of things. He'll say he's "very scary" and start shaking all over. One thing he repeats is that he's very "scary" of the robot. I asked him what robot? He said, "the robot in the wall." haha! Not sure where he came up with that. He's also scared of bugs. He likes to tell you where one is and then shout, "Can you GET it?" Some other funny Bryan quotes are "Can you make it too loud?", "sure is!", "where are my binoculators?" If you ask him when his birthday is he replies, "3 in Au-gest for your birthday." haha
Bryan, I am so proud of you. Everyday you get smarter! I love to watch you figure things out on your own. Most of the time you can, but if not, you grunt and we help you. haha You say please and thank you a lot without us telling you that you need to. You say yeah, but it sounds like no so we are working on saying Yes plain and clear. Some days are long and hard and I'm ready to see bed time come, but others I miss you lots after you go to bed. I can't wait to see what year 3 has in store. I pray God will help me teach you more about Him! After all, that's why we are here. I want you to love Jesus with all your heart and not be afraid to talk about him to your little friends. One day I was telling you that God made your nose and God made your eyes and just went on and on. You sat spellbound. Then the next day I told you how God made mommy, daddy, etc. You sat spellbound again. Another day I told you about how God loves you, mommy, daddy, etc. and you listened to every word. I pray that every time we talk about Jesus you are enthralled. I can't wait until you start asking biblical questions. I have a feeling you will have a lot of them. :)
I love you so much big boy! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12