I received Michael W. Smith's new Christmas CD in the mail yesterday. I actually got a free one by being one of 150 to sign up on his label's website. All I had to do to receive this free CD was listen to the music while decorating for Christmas and write a short blog about it. So here it goes!
I turned on Michael's CD while unpacking all of our snowman stuff. Bryan started dancing immediately! :) The first song, Christmas Angels, is wonderful! The whole CD has a lot of orchestra music, which I love.
When we got married we received the cutest snowman cookie jar, tea pot, sugar and creamer dishes, salt and pepper shakers, and plates. I was excited to show these off to Bryan this year. As I pulled each of them out of the box he smiled so big!! He pointed to the snowman's buttons and nose. After getting each piece out, Matt went outside to put up lights. We've never put outside lights up before so we can't wait for it to get dark to see what they look like! :)
Bryan and I went and played in the grass while Matt slaved away. We propped the door open and let the Christmas music blare. I think my favorite song is Christmas Day. It's a duet with Mandisa and who doesn't love her?!?! All in all it's a great CD. One of Michael W's best, I think. Of course I love anyone's Christmas album! What is your favorite Christmas album of all time?
Mine is a tie between Evening in December and Amy Grant's Home for Christmas.
I love the old crooners type Christmas music, classic. I like the new too, but the other brings childhood memories back to me. I'll have to check out the cd you mentioned. Love you!
Last year we went to a Christmas concert here in town. It wasn't highly publicized, so I'm not sure how we found out about it. Anyway, it was Newsong and Todd Agnew and some others. I went just hoping to hear Todd Agnew sing "Grace Like Rain," which he didn't. But the concert was fantastic - a worship experience like I haven't experienced since. We bought the CD ("Do You See What I See?") which has Todd Agnew & friends. Each song tells the Christmas story through a different charactive's perspective. I couldn't wait for Christmas to roll around again so I could listen to it!
You know there is one song that always sends chills down my spine and it is, 'Mary did you know', I guess that is the title but it is just so touching. It is mainly played at Christmas, but I hear it other times too. It's just awesome.
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