I spent a lot of Saturday afternoon making cupcakes copied from Bakerella. I LOVE her. She comes up with the most creative cakes, cupcakes, cake pops, etc. I saw these and thought they would be pretty simple to make. And they were. And oh so tasty! :)

Sunday afternoon mom and dad came up. Bryan hunted eggs in the backyard. It was his first egg hunt. (see video below) We cracked up at the way he slam dunked the eggs into the basket. He is so funny. I think he picked up all the eggs in the yard in record time.

After the egg hunt we ate lasagna and then dad and I went to the evening service at Brook Hills. It was a great time of worship. They had to leave this afternoon, but not after a quick trip to the California Pizza Kitchen. YUM!
Did you have a good Easter weekend?
P.S. There are more pictures here.
I can testify that the cupcakes were just as yummy as they look, so was the prize winning lasagna Jamie made. We were thankful those eggs were plastic or they would be cracked for sure after the slam dunk each and ever one of them received. Too cute!
The video is histerical! What a dude he is! Jamie,next time you come to Chattanooga, we would love some of your famous baked goods! The cupcakes are just adorable! Love the video also of Bryan and Simba going after the Easter candy. Too funny! Ross and I met Paw and Miss Betty at PF Chang for lunch on Sunday. Yummy!
I love how he shoots the eggs like a basketball - boys are so awesome! Cute Easter projects too...very impressed with the cupcakes!
Hey Jamie B, thanks for adding yourself as a follower of my blog! Yea!!!:)
I am with GAB on Jamie bringing some baked goods, I also say the Lasagna too! Brian is a cutie and I so want all the kids to be able to play together before they all grow up as fast as all of you did!
Love you!
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