Here's his comforter:

I don't have any themed sheets or anything yet.
Here are my ideas for his walls:
These are some cool vinyl wall stick on things.


Those are the themes I've been thinking about. Which one is your favorite? I'm leaning in one direction, but I want to hear what y'all think!!! :)
I like rockets or guitars. I think he's gonna be a natural musician with his daddy by his side.
i like the colors of the rockets and the theme of the guitars.........uuummm hard decision...ask Bryan? lol
I love the rockets! Very big boyish with lots of color. My opinion though.
the rockets are what I'm leaning towards. :) im thinking we can do a music room when he gets older.
ROCKETS! They match the comforter perfectly! Love it!
I am LOVING the guitars. That would look super cool! But I also think the rockets are more kid-ish. Both look awesome!
Love the guitars. I think the black and white with the colored comforter will be so neat! You have great taste; you will do a great job.
I think rockets, they are colorful and match the comforter well. Also, you could get some of the glow in the dark stars and stick on the ceiling, I think they even have the solar system (Walmart).
so we went with the rockets. i'll have to post pictures when we get his room all finished :)
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