Thursday, December 09, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thanksgiving Program
I am waaaay behind on blogging and need to take the time to catch up with all the stuff that's happened in the past few months. But, I have to post this precious video of Bryan singing at his school's Thanksgiving Program. It's definitely priceless. (It's also 12 minutes long! ha!)
Friday, October 01, 2010
Quote of the Week
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
First Day of Preschool!
Today was Bryan's official first day of pre-school. We had open house last night and got to meet his teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth. She seems very nice and had things very organized in his room. His classroom theme is "Faithful Fish" and she had their names written on fish in several different places. She said their seat will change after this week so they can start to recognize their names before kindergarten. Of course Bryan spotted his right away. Glad to know he's a little ahead in that area. :)
We left the house a few minutes early and got there in plenty of time to sign Bryan in. On the way in all he said was, "You'll come back to get me." Oh yes, buddy! I'll come back to get you. :) Lots of moms (and some dads) were waiting for the hallway doors to open. Bryan was very quiet and took it all in. He's always been super observant and today was no different. We walked right to his classroom, hung up his lunchbox and "pack pack" and he lined up outside in the hall with his other classmates. I gave him a hug and kiss and went on my way. No tears from either of us. I'll save those for next year.
I was thankful to go to the grocery store alone this morning. I didn't get a whole lot done after that, but it was nice to have some time to myself. I (and Simba) went back to get B about 12:25 and he was playing hard in his room. He was happy to see me, but then said "I had fun at school!" I am SO thankful for that. Anything else I ask him he responds with, "I don't know." HA! He did tell me a boy pushed the school and hurt his hand. I have no idea what that means. He also told me Mrs. Elizabeth said, "Shhhhhh!" and "Line up!" Hope those weren't directed at him. hahaha! His folder that comes home with him each day had a smiley face for behavior. Yay! I'm so glad he had a good first day. Hopefully he will feel like going back on Thursday. :)
Monday, June 07, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Update on Marie Ange
So, I opened the mailbox today and found a letter from Marie Ange written on the 20th of February...just 8 days after the awful earthquake. I thought you might like to know what her cousin wrote for her.
"Happiness that is in Marie Ange's heart can't be measured. She feels glad to find this occasion that is so special to talk to you. How's your family? Marie Ange is very fine thanks to God, so his her family. She thanks you for the letter, thank you for giving much advice and lots of wishes to her. Thanks a lot for the gift of Christmas you sent her. With that money her mom bought a nice dress for her. She had nobody who died in the event that occurred, but her house has holes. She'll always pray for you so God blesses you. Help her to pray also because she'd like to become a great girl in order to be useful to her community and her church."
She went on to ask a few questions and sent me some good drawings. What a sweet family. I'm so thankful to know they are ok and all of their family is alive!!! Thanks for your prayers too!
"Happiness that is in Marie Ange's heart can't be measured. She feels glad to find this occasion that is so special to talk to you. How's your family? Marie Ange is very fine thanks to God, so his her family. She thanks you for the letter, thank you for giving much advice and lots of wishes to her. Thanks a lot for the gift of Christmas you sent her. With that money her mom bought a nice dress for her. She had nobody who died in the event that occurred, but her house has holes. She'll always pray for you so God blesses you. Help her to pray also because she'd like to become a great girl in order to be useful to her community and her church."
She went on to ask a few questions and sent me some good drawings. What a sweet family. I'm so thankful to know they are ok and all of their family is alive!!! Thanks for your prayers too!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Funny Sayings...
So I'm WAY behind on blogging, but wanted to make a list of some funny things Bryan has said lately. I don't want to forget. :)
If he sees someone friendly he might say, "I want to talk to that." while pointing at them.
When he hears a phone beep he says, "You got a tessage."
I pulled out the tape measure one day to do something and he said "See how tall is me." Then he followed that by saying "I'm getting REALLY bigger."
If he wants you to throw him a ball he'll say "Catch it to me."
Today in the car he was talking about Allison's new puppy Casey and how she's at her house with Sydney. I told him Sydney wasn't there anymore and she was in Heaven. Then I asked if he knew how else lives in Heaven. He said, "Yeah! Mr. Fredrickson!!" :) (that's the old man in the movie Up!)
Today, he also pointed to the freckle on his arm and said, "See my pickle." HA! I about cracked up.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Friday, February 05, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Marie Ange

Matt and I sponsor a child through Compassion in Haiti. Her name is Marie Ange Benjamin and she is 5 years old. One of my favorite things is to open the mailbox and have a letter from her. Usually it's her grandmother or uncle writing it for her, but she always draws a picture for me.
I just got a letter last week and I can't help but wonder if that will be the last one. I got an email from Compassion yesterday saying they are working to locate her and will let me know as soon as they do. When I first heard of the earthquake hitting Haiti I immediately started to worry about Marie Ange and her family. I'm not exactly sure how far away they live from the capital, but I pray they were far enough away to avoid any harm.
I wanted to share with you one of the letters she wrote to us a few months back that brought me to tears. To think this sweet child wants to know more about me and how to pray for our family is humbling, to say the least. The letters are written in their language and then translated to English. That's why it may sound a little odd.
Here's what her sweet letter said:
This is a great pleasure for Marie Ange and her family to write to you any time it's possible. Much greeting to you in Jesus' name. Thanks a lot for your letter, your participation, and the Christmas gift you sent her. Her grandmother bought a beautiful pink dress for her with that money. Understand that God is using you to bless her. Know that God doesn't use people for nothing. May God in his grace accompany you in all that you'll do this year! May he always guide you on the right way because he says in Psalms 23 he's a good Shepard. Thanks for your love, your picture, and your beautiful smile. You are really a lovely family and the glory of the Lord is shining on your face. Bryan is a beautiful baby. She wishes that one day he will grow up into a big boy like his father, Matt. Thanks for everything! Do you have a sea in your neighborhood? (We sent a family picture of us at the beach.) Pray for her to keep on growing in the love of the Lord.
Her favorite animal is a hen. She likes almost all the birds and she likes to feed them. Her favorite colors are red, blue, and pink. She greets you and she takes advantage to ask you what you'd like Bryan to become so that she can help you pray.
I know many of us are tight on money, but there is one inexpensive way we can give. Text "Disaster" to 90999. This will add $10 to your cellphone bill next month and gives directly to Compassion to help in this time of need. If you'd like to give more, here's a link for you to Compassion's disaster relief fund.
Haiti, Our prayers are with you and especially with you, Marie Ange.
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