Today was Bryan's official first day of pre-school. We had open house last night and got to meet his teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth. She seems very nice and had things very organized in his room. His classroom theme is "Faithful Fish" and she had their names written on fish in several different places. She said their seat will change after this week so they can start to recognize their names before kindergarten. Of course Bryan spotted his right away. Glad to know he's a little ahead in that area. :)
We left the house a few minutes early and got there in plenty of time to sign Bryan in. On the way in all he said was, "You'll come back to get me." Oh yes, buddy! I'll come back to get you. :) Lots of moms (and some dads) were waiting for the hallway doors to open. Bryan was very quiet and took it all in. He's always been super observant and today was no different. We walked right to his classroom, hung up his lunchbox and "pack pack" and he lined up outside in the hall with his other classmates. I gave him a hug and kiss and went on my way. No tears from either of us. I'll save those for next year.
I was thankful to go to the grocery store alone this morning. I didn't get a whole lot done after that, but it was nice to have some time to myself. I (and Simba) went back to get B about 12:25 and he was playing hard in his room. He was happy to see me, but then said "I had fun at school!" I am SO thankful for that. Anything else I ask him he responds with, "I don't know." HA! He did tell me a boy pushed the school and hurt his hand. I have no idea what that means. He also told me Mrs. Elizabeth said, "Shhhhhh!" and "Line up!" Hope those weren't directed at him. hahaha! His folder that comes home with him each day had a smiley face for behavior. Yay! I'm so glad he had a good first day. Hopefully he will feel like going back on Thursday. :)
So glad it all went well (for both of you)!!!!
Isn't it so comforting for your child to have a happy first day!
We had L at Lee Co. but after a week had to move her to SCA. THE BEST MOVE WE'VE EVER MADE! She loves it, we love it, WE ARE ALL SO VERY HAPPY!
Miss you~C
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