Last weekend we celebrated Matt's second Father's Day. We went to the early service at church so we could have a whole day together. Bryan and Matt have really bonded and it's so sweet to watch. (Bryan especially likes it when Matt turns on TobyMac's CD and let's him jump up and down on the bed!)
Monday we went to Phenix City to visit with Granna and PaPaw. We had not spent time with them for a long time so it was a nice visit! While we were there Bryan got new tennis shoes! He is now wearing a size 7 1/2! Just a couple months ago he was in a 6 1/2.
B and I had planned to come back home on Wednesday, but Mary Lynn called and said she and Allison were coming up Thursday so we decided to wait so we could see them. Bryan and Allison were so happy to see each other. They kissed and hugged and then chased each other through the house until their...well, i should say Bryan's...legs couldn't go any more. :) I've never heard so much squealing! This weekend is Allison's second birthday and we'll be going down to Albany to celebrate. (We'll also get to see baby Grant!!!) After that, the Englands will be moving to Winston Salem, NC. I am excited for them, but am sad we won't get to see each other very much. Thank goodness for web cams and telephones!
Saturday Matt and I took Bryan to the Birmingham Zoo. We let him roam around by himself for a little while and he did a good job following directions.
The cutest thing to us was when he saw the lions he roared at them. Then he motioned for them to come here. He also wanted the giraffes to come to him too.
After the zoo we went to our new Sonic and got Bryan his first corn dog. I honestly wasn't sure he'd like it because he doesn't eat plain hot dogs. But, he LOVED it! I think it mostly had to do with the breading and it was on a stick. :)
In just two months Bryan will be 2 years old. It seems like from the time he turned one until now time has zoomed on by. The first year seemed much longer. haha He LOVES fruit and calls bananas "me-nas" and apples "appies." Grapes are also appies. So are tomatoes and oranges. haha He learned to put an "s" on things so everything is plural these days. :) Last week I asked him where something was and he said, "I dono." I couldn't believe it! He's said it several more times since.
He has also started answering questions by saying "no". Like, are you ready to get out of the bathtub. "No!" :) If someone asks him if he wants to go, you better be ready to walk out the door at that second. He says "go, go" over and over until you leave. He also does that if you ask him if he wants to play outside. He says, "side."
We are amazed at how fast he's learning things. He can match shapes on the tupperware ball. He knows the color blue and yellow, and we think he knows red and green. He LOVES to dance and tries to sing. He especially likes to hold out the end notes until his little body shakes! I'll try to get a video of that and post it soon. It's HILARIOUS! We might be able to win money for it! :) He cracks us up daily. One funny thing he learned on his own is to pick up our cell phones and turn them around and say cheese. haha! He thinks he's taking his picture.
Bryan is getting too smart for all of his toys. He seems bored with them. I'm sure he is because he's had them for a while. I went to Toys R Us yesterday and got him a big new toy that will probably keep him entertained for about a week. :) He loves it right now. It's the Fisher-Price Learning Home and it teaches him opposites, shapes, colors, numbers, time, etc. So far, I highly recommend it. I'm glad his birthday is soon so he can get more new things to play with. (speaking of recommending, I highly recommend the book he's reading with Matt in the above picture. It's called First 100 Words. Bryan got it for his first birthday. Matt and I would point to things and tell them what they are. Now he can point to them and say a lot of them.)
A new challenge we are facing is that Bryan likes to hit when he's upset about something. He doesn't hit hard, but it's his attitude we don't like. We have introduced him to time out and he does not like it. He's such a turkey because he'll hit me and I'll put him in time out and when he comes out, he hits something. It could be the wall, couch, table, or me again. He's a tester!!! I'm trying my best to be consistent. Also, if something doesn't work like he thinks it supposed to, he'll throw it. If the square peg won't fit in the round hole, watch out! It'll be flying your way.
We love our little man and are excited about his future. He's growing up so fast and is definitely no longer a baby.
Matt and I are good. Matt's staying busy with work. We're always glad when he gets home.
Oh, I do have a question. I'm looking for some good summer reads. Any suggestions?
I loved hearing from you, Jamie. I also loved hearing about how Bryan roared at the lions, then motioned for them to come here! So cute.
Love y'all!
Thanks for the post & pictures! Riley & I had fun reading about what you all had been up to! I'm HOPING we can come and visit you guys before the summer's up...
Take care and have fun! We love y'all!!
Good update J, little man is sure growing up! Glad you all are doing well and happy.
i don't think you guys QUITE understand just what jamie means when she writes that bryan likes to sing and hold out the long note and his whole body shakes. i witnessed this over the weekend and it seriously is the funniest thing i have ever seen....seriously ... even his hair shakes. he bends his knees so that he is braced. then he holds his arms out like he's holding a ball and then he hits the big note...and holds it and holds it and holds it til his entire body INCLUDING his hair is shaking.
Good grief Brian sure is growing up fast. It seems like just the other day that he turned one! Good luck with the hitting thing. Zachariah has already started that- but I am hoping he will grow out of it. (and its only me that he hits!)haha.
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