I have never done a works-for-me wednesday post before because I could never think of anything. But, Monday I thought of the perfect thing to share.
When Bryan was drinking out of bottles, we always had a stash of Dr. Brown's cleaning brushes. ($3.99 for 4 and they last a long time.) They made it so easy to clean all of the little parts. Once he started drinking out of sippy cups, I found that they are WONDERFUL for cleaning all of their little parts. The bottle brush just couldn't reach all of that dried up milk.
For more helpful tips visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer.

Thanks for the tip! I am having the same problem with Levi's cups. I'll make sure to pick some up. Hope all is well.
I just blogged about cleaning sippy cups for last week's WFMW!
Must be near to many moms' hearts. :)
oooo great tip! I still have those little brushes tucked away in a drawer. Thanks!!!
Jamie, Hey! I sure do miss seeing you around Albany. I am glad to hear that yall are doing great! I love the sippy cup tip. I will have to use that!!!! :) Bryan is so adorable. Will is 9 and a half months! Can you believe it? He's a little SUNSHINE. Love ya!
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