Joy to the World from jamie baker on Vimeo.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Bryan calls Santa "Christmas Santa" and a snowman is "Christmas man!" Ornaments are called "Christmas balls." Sunday after church we asked him what he learned in Sunday school and he said, "Jesus was born! :)
This year is going to be a super fun at Christmas!
This year is going to be a super fun at Christmas!
Monday, October 26, 2009
pumpkin patch visit

We had a wonderful time last weekend visiting the pumpkin patch with the Haefs and Fountains. We went to Old Baker Farm on a VERY cold morning. Bryan loved picking up the pumpkins and telling us how heavy they were. "This is sooo heavy." He also liked trying to drive the little tractors. All of the ones he found were on the side of the path for a reason...they didn't work! We all enjoyed the yummy kettle corn. It really was delicious. Hopefully we can make it a tradition to go there every year. So fun!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Friday, September 04, 2009
Ok blogger friends and family! I need your help. We are about to start putting together Bryan's big boy room and I cannot make up my mind on which theme to go with.
Here's his comforter:

I don't have any themed sheets or anything yet.
Here are my ideas for his walls:
These are some cool vinyl wall stick on things.


Those are the themes I've been thinking about. Which one is your favorite? I'm leaning in one direction, but I want to hear what y'all think!!! :)
Here's his comforter:

I don't have any themed sheets or anything yet.
Here are my ideas for his walls:
These are some cool vinyl wall stick on things.


Those are the themes I've been thinking about. Which one is your favorite? I'm leaning in one direction, but I want to hear what y'all think!!! :)
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
check up
I should be blogging about our beach trip, but we haven't transferred the pictures over from the laptop. We did have a wonderful time and I'll try to tell you all about it this week.
Bryan had his 3 year check-up this morning. He weighs 36.2 lbs and is 38 1/2 inches tall. He's grown 2 inches and has gained 6 1/2lbs in a year. Amazing! Dr. Whitaker gave him a good check up, had him repeat words, checked his eyes, etc. All was well. He noticed that he does speak through his nose a little bit. We've noticed that too, but Dr. Whitaker wants us to go to a speech therapist to have him checked out. I figured it was something he would out grow, but who knows. :) He also did a vision test where they covered one eye and he had to say what picture he saw. His left eye was perfect, but the right wasn't so great. He missed 4 pictures. So we have to follow up with an eye doctor. (He also has a dentist appointment tomorrow.) On top of all that he had his MMR shot and flumist. I've put off the MMR due to all the controversy, but felt a little bit pressured about him having it today. I'm just praying for no harmful side effects...temporary or permanent. Will you join me? Thanks!!!
Bryan had his 3 year check-up this morning. He weighs 36.2 lbs and is 38 1/2 inches tall. He's grown 2 inches and has gained 6 1/2lbs in a year. Amazing! Dr. Whitaker gave him a good check up, had him repeat words, checked his eyes, etc. All was well. He noticed that he does speak through his nose a little bit. We've noticed that too, but Dr. Whitaker wants us to go to a speech therapist to have him checked out. I figured it was something he would out grow, but who knows. :) He also did a vision test where they covered one eye and he had to say what picture he saw. His left eye was perfect, but the right wasn't so great. He missed 4 pictures. So we have to follow up with an eye doctor. (He also has a dentist appointment tomorrow.) On top of all that he had his MMR shot and flumist. I've put off the MMR due to all the controversy, but felt a little bit pressured about him having it today. I'm just praying for no harmful side effects...temporary or permanent. Will you join me? Thanks!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
3 years old

Today Bryan is 3! That is so hard to believe! We've already had a couple of family celebrations so I think we will take it easy today and celebrate as our small family of three. He's already gotten all of his big birthday gifts, but he has a couple of new puzzles I can wrap up for him to open. His big present from us is a new big boy room. We will set that up after we get home from our beach vacation.
I asked him last night what he wanted to do for his birthday and he answered he wants to go to "Target popcorn." That's his way of saying he wants to go to Target to get popcorn! :) So, I think we will do that after he eats waffles for breakfast. His favorite thing to eat out is Mexican, but the only thing he eats there is chips and salsa, but I have a feeling that's what he'll want for supper. (We just had Mexican Saturday night. haha! Maybe I'll just get him some "chips and dip dip" for lunch. I love Mexican whenever. Matt won't want it again.)
It's crazy to think that 3 years ago this morning I didn't even know Bryan. Now I know him as a very silly, yet strong opinionated little boy. He LOVES to laugh and to make people laugh. I love that quality about him. Some other things he loves are his guitar, music of all kinds, Guitar Hero, jumping on the bed, chips & dip dip (of course), m&m's, Kashi cereal that he calls "kind cheerios", grapes, cheetos, "Hosanna" and "Better is One Day", tobyMac, Max & Ruby, Simba (Simma, as he calls her), Imagination Movers, Tom & Jerry, taking a bath, sleeping!, Miss Amy at church, and puzzles. Just to name a few. :)
He's learned to be scared of things. He'll say he's "very scary" and start shaking all over. One thing he repeats is that he's very "scary" of the robot. I asked him what robot? He said, "the robot in the wall." haha! Not sure where he came up with that. He's also scared of bugs. He likes to tell you where one is and then shout, "Can you GET it?" Some other funny Bryan quotes are "Can you make it too loud?", "sure is!", "where are my binoculators?" If you ask him when his birthday is he replies, "3 in Au-gest for your birthday." haha
Bryan, I am so proud of you. Everyday you get smarter! I love to watch you figure things out on your own. Most of the time you can, but if not, you grunt and we help you. haha You say please and thank you a lot without us telling you that you need to. You say yeah, but it sounds like no so we are working on saying Yes plain and clear. Some days are long and hard and I'm ready to see bed time come, but others I miss you lots after you go to bed. I can't wait to see what year 3 has in store. I pray God will help me teach you more about Him! After all, that's why we are here. I want you to love Jesus with all your heart and not be afraid to talk about him to your little friends. One day I was telling you that God made your nose and God made your eyes and just went on and on. You sat spellbound. Then the next day I told you how God made mommy, daddy, etc. You sat spellbound again. Another day I told you about how God loves you, mommy, daddy, etc. and you listened to every word. I pray that every time we talk about Jesus you are enthralled. I can't wait until you start asking biblical questions. I have a feeling you will have a lot of them. :)
I love you so much big boy! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
Sunday, August 16, 2009
August In Review
There have only been 16 days this month, but they have been jammed packed full of fun! On top of that, I applied for a job at James Avery on Friday. Monday they called to set up for an interview on Tuesday and hired me Wednesday. I offically started yesterday (Saturday) and was thrown to the wolves. haha! Not really, but the store just opened on Friday and when I got there at noon yesterday the store was packed out. I kind of like learning that way though. Today was slower so I got to learn more about the computer system. I hope this job will work out for a while to make some extra money for us on the side, but not mess with me being a momma! That comes first.
The first weekend of August we went down to Albany to celebrate Bryan's birthday with our family there. We had a Lightening McQueen birthday party. We had a great time swimming, eating, and opening up new treasures. (Can you believe how big Grant is!?!?)

The week following we had a play date with our cousins that live here. We went to the McWane Science Center. We had never been before. I think B really had a great time. He loves his cousins too :)

Last week we drove down to my parents house. ML had a few days off so she and A hopped in the car (for 7 hours!!) and drove to see us. We celebrated Bryan's, Dad's, and my birthdays together. I love sharing my birthday with them. :) One of Bryan's favorite places is Monkey Joe's so we had to take them there. They had a great time together. Every time A & B get to be together they play better and better. One night they were dancing to a music DVD when A stopped and said, "I love you Bryan!" That's the BEST!!! Bryan tried and tried to tell Allison what to do, but she just ignored him. It was hilarious.

Another post is coming in the morning. It's the big 3 year old birthday!! :)
The first weekend of August we went down to Albany to celebrate Bryan's birthday with our family there. We had a Lightening McQueen birthday party. We had a great time swimming, eating, and opening up new treasures. (Can you believe how big Grant is!?!?)

The week following we had a play date with our cousins that live here. We went to the McWane Science Center. We had never been before. I think B really had a great time. He loves his cousins too :)

Last week we drove down to my parents house. ML had a few days off so she and A hopped in the car (for 7 hours!!) and drove to see us. We celebrated Bryan's, Dad's, and my birthdays together. I love sharing my birthday with them. :) One of Bryan's favorite places is Monkey Joe's so we had to take them there. They had a great time together. Every time A & B get to be together they play better and better. One night they were dancing to a music DVD when A stopped and said, "I love you Bryan!" That's the BEST!!! Bryan tried and tried to tell Allison what to do, but she just ignored him. It was hilarious.

Another post is coming in the morning. It's the big 3 year old birthday!! :)
3rd birthday,
james avery,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
God's awesome creation

The clouds over our neighborhood were AMAZING yesterday. Really, over the whole city. They cleared out quickly so I'm thankful the Lord had this waiting for us as we left to get Bryan's hair cut. I'm also glad I had the camera with me. :)
As we were driving down the road Bryan said he saw a kitty cat. I asked him where and he said, "Right there. In the clouds." So fun!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
look a likes

I found this picture a long time ago and meant to scan it, but just got around to it. Isn't it amazing how much Bryan looks like me in this picture?
For those of you that don't know, these are my dad's parents with their grandchildren. (Paul, Holly, Michael, and me) They since had 5 more. (plus 4 great grands now!) Seeing this sure does make me miss Grandmama!
Another fun weekend
Other than the fact that we almost died on the way to Albany on Friday, we had a wonderful weekend. Seriously, we were inches from death or at least being very, seriously hurt. We had only been on the road a little over an hour when we met a car going the opposite direction in our lane (left one)!! Highway 280 is a divided highway with 4 lanes across. We noticed a car that had been traveling far in front of us get over in the right lane, but just thought they were changing lanes. As we started to top a small hill, there was a Tahoe barreling down the road at us like they were supposed to be there. I was going 70 and they were at least going that speed. God's hands directed our car off the road just enough for them to miss us. Matt and I both said we couldn't believe they didn't hit our mirror or at least the right front side of the car. I was going 70 down the median and never once lost control. That is all by the grace of God. Friday night I didn't get much rest replaying everything in my head. Of course Satan likes to get me thinking about all the "what ifs." There are SO many! If there had been a car in front of us, we wouldn't have had time to get out of the way. Same if there would have been a car directly behind us.
We stopped at a McDonald's in Dadeville just about a mile or two down the road to check out our tires and calm down a little. A man pulled up behind us that had seen the whole thing happen. He had been in the right lane. He asked if we were ok. I told him yes, but that I was shaking. He said, "you were all in that ditch!" I told him we were praising Jesus for our safety. He then told me he was praying the lady didn't come into his lane. I never saw a lady...just a big shiny grill. I WISH I would have thought to turn around and try to get a tag number or something. I'm praying they didn't hurt anyone else and quickly learned they were on the wrong side of the highway.
Whew!! We went to Albany to celebrate Allison's 3rd Birthday and Father's Day with Bruce. Saturday morning we met the England's early so we could take the kids to the Riverquarium. We all enjoyed that. We then ordered pizza and had YUMMY birthday cake. Allison got a little shy when we were singing to her, but she blew all 3 candles out by herself. She opened presents with Bryan's help, of course. :) It was then time for Bryan's nap so while he slept, I swam with Mary Lynn, Nate, Allison, and our friend Kim. It was good to spend time with all of them. (click pictures to enlarge)

After naptime the Soles came in to town. They got a new boat so we went and tried it out. It was Bryan's first boat ride. I think he really enjoyed it. I always love riding on a boat. Now we have one in the family! :) We probably would have all loved it even more if it wouldn't have been soooooo hot! We went back to the Baker's house for supper and had a chance to visit with Punkin and Uncle Huck. Always so good to see them! :)

Saturday evening we went to Phenix City to go to church with mom and dad for Father's Day. We enjoyed lunch at El Vaquero. Mary Lynn and Nate were coming in around supper time to spend the night so we got to have dinner with them before we came back home. Thankfully, our trip home was uneventful! We were so glad to spend time with so much of our family this weekend.
(Papaw popped popcorn for Bryan. I think it's his favorite food. We eat some almost everyday. Anyway, he gets so excited hearing the "pop pop pop" as he says.)
We stopped at a McDonald's in Dadeville just about a mile or two down the road to check out our tires and calm down a little. A man pulled up behind us that had seen the whole thing happen. He had been in the right lane. He asked if we were ok. I told him yes, but that I was shaking. He said, "you were all in that ditch!" I told him we were praising Jesus for our safety. He then told me he was praying the lady didn't come into his lane. I never saw a lady...just a big shiny grill. I WISH I would have thought to turn around and try to get a tag number or something. I'm praying they didn't hurt anyone else and quickly learned they were on the wrong side of the highway.
Whew!! We went to Albany to celebrate Allison's 3rd Birthday and Father's Day with Bruce. Saturday morning we met the England's early so we could take the kids to the Riverquarium. We all enjoyed that. We then ordered pizza and had YUMMY birthday cake. Allison got a little shy when we were singing to her, but she blew all 3 candles out by herself. She opened presents with Bryan's help, of course. :) It was then time for Bryan's nap so while he slept, I swam with Mary Lynn, Nate, Allison, and our friend Kim. It was good to spend time with all of them. (click pictures to enlarge)

After naptime the Soles came in to town. They got a new boat so we went and tried it out. It was Bryan's first boat ride. I think he really enjoyed it. I always love riding on a boat. Now we have one in the family! :) We probably would have all loved it even more if it wouldn't have been soooooo hot! We went back to the Baker's house for supper and had a chance to visit with Punkin and Uncle Huck. Always so good to see them! :)

Saturday evening we went to Phenix City to go to church with mom and dad for Father's Day. We enjoyed lunch at El Vaquero. Mary Lynn and Nate were coming in around supper time to spend the night so we got to have dinner with them before we came back home. Thankfully, our trip home was uneventful! We were so glad to spend time with so much of our family this weekend.

Friday, June 12, 2009
hair cut
Sug was here for a few fun days! :) We celebrated her birthday Wednesday night. Thursday we went to one of her favorite stores, Walton's Cabin, and then to get Bryan his first salon haircut. Granna usually cuts it, but we haven't seen her in a while and his hair was getting scraggly. We went to Sports Clips, which is a place just for men and boys. I figured they would know what they are doing. :) Bryan got paired with a really sweet girl who cut hair faster than anyone I've ever seen. I guess she knows how wiggly a 2 year old can be. Bryan did GREAT! He loved staring at himself in the mirror. When it was time to shave his neck with the clippers he couldn't stand it. He is SO ticklish!!!

He got a sucker from the hairdresser and some special treats from Sug at Target for doing so good. :) He's getting so big!

He got a sucker from the hairdresser and some special treats from Sug at Target for doing so good. :) He's getting so big!
Monday, June 01, 2009
Busy month of May
The first weekend of May we celebrated Grant's first birthday. We went down to Valdosta for the big day. Grant really got in to his presents and cake. Bryan even took a pinch for himself before Grant could get a hold of it. :)
Cassie graduated on Grant's actual birthday. The Nobles had a pool party at their house and we celebrated her graduation and G's birthday, again. :) Bryan loved the pool, but wanted someone to hold him the whole time. Grant wasn't so sure about the water.
On Memorial Day weekend we celebrated Adele's 5th birthday. What a blessing and miracle she is!
Friday, Bryan and I met Julie, Margo, and Adele at the zoo. The weather was so nice and the kids really enjoyed seeing the animals. They got to feed the giraffes up close and personal. What a treat!

The hot weather has returned to the South, so Sunday Matt blew up the little pool for Bryan to splash around in. Of course he loved it!
On to June.... :) It looks like this month will be just as busy with Father's Day, birthdays, Backyard Bible Club, and weekly bible study.
On to June.... :) It looks like this month will be just as busy with Father's Day, birthdays, Backyard Bible Club, and weekly bible study.
Friday, May 22, 2009
I'm glad he's our American Idol
Here's Kris leading worship at his church in Arkansas.
Ready for more Jesus bumps? I read this on Kelly's blog today:
"One of my college friends told me her mom and Kris' mom are friends and that he had told his mom before he got to the final that he needed one more week there because he had been witnessing to Adam and felt like he needed just a little more time with him."
Praise the Lord! Let's pray that he and his wife will be used by God to reach many!!!
Ready for more Jesus bumps? I read this on Kelly's blog today:
"One of my college friends told me her mom and Kris' mom are friends and that he had told his mom before he got to the final that he needed one more week there because he had been witnessing to Adam and felt like he needed just a little more time with him."
Praise the Lord! Let's pray that he and his wife will be used by God to reach many!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cute Saying

Matt went to the grocery store for me Sunday and brought home chocolate milk. (He also brought home two packages of cookies because they were buy one get one free! Nevermind we're trying not to eat like that! ha!) Bryan was just asking for some milk so I made him a sippy cup full of white milk, as he calls it, and put a dash of chocolate in it. He tasted it and said, "Yum! I got chocolate chip milk!"
Monday, May 04, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
First Giveaway

I've always wanted to do a giveaway and now I have the perfect thing!
I read Vicki Courtney's blog one day last week and saw that she had started doing the 30 Day Shred. I had ordered this video before Christmas and had never tried it. This post of hers had me motivated. I have now done 5 days worth. (I did not do 5 days in a row, but mostly every other day.) The first day is killer! I am not going to lie. But something about Jillian's video makes you want to keep trying it. The logo says "Lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days." Now, I don't want to lose 20 pounds, but my goal is to do this 30 times and see how my body changes. After just five times, I can do more push-ups and squats than the first time.
So, if you have weight to lose and/or just want to tone up, this is for you! All you have to do to win your own copy is leave a comment and a way to contact you (email/blog address). Deadline to enter is Sunday, May 3rd. I'll announce the winner Monday morning.
P.S. This post of BooMama's and this one of Big Mama's makes me laugh out loud.
Going to Grandma's...
or Sug and Pops' House!

Last Tuesday, Bryan and I met Pops in Columbus so he could take B home with him until Friday. The first stop was the farm. From what I hear he ran his little legs off for hours and hours. It was hard to get him to stop and come inside. He loves to drive the easy-go too. That evening Sug put him to bed, not realizing the pack n play was a little too close to the door. Not long after he was down she heard, "Hey Sug! Whatcha doin Sug?" haha! He had turned the knob and opened the door. So she had to scoot him away.

Wednesday morning during breakfast he wanted to wear a "tickle hat." He and Pops ate breakfast with their tickle hats on.

Then they were off to fish. Sug and Pops bought him his very own fishing rod for Christmas, so he got to try it out. The first fish he and Sug caught took him by surprise. Sug said he couldn't crawl up into her lap anymore if he tried. :) He didn't want to touch them, but kept saying "catch another one." In all, he caught 3 brim.

Wednesday after his nap they headed in to Albany. Mema had invited them, and the rest of her family, over for supper. He got to see Avery, Banks, and Witt over there. Avery is almost 4; Banks is 7 months old and Witt is 4 months. Bryan called Banks "little buddy." :) When Avery got home that night she told her mommy that "Baby Bryan is not a baby anymore! AND, sometimes he speaks Spanish!" haha! We guess he was telling her something she didn't understand.
Thursday he was so tired he took an early nap. They then went downtown the the Riverquarium and turtle park to play.

Friday after lunch they headed this way and stayed with us all weekend.
We were excited to see Bryan. He seemed bigger and was saying new things. (He's now calling Rusty "Rusty Boy!")
Matt and I thank Sug and Pops so much for keeping him. We were able to go out to eat a couple of nights, go to the store by ourselves, and I was able to do some shopping. :)
Last Tuesday, Bryan and I met Pops in Columbus so he could take B home with him until Friday. The first stop was the farm. From what I hear he ran his little legs off for hours and hours. It was hard to get him to stop and come inside. He loves to drive the easy-go too. That evening Sug put him to bed, not realizing the pack n play was a little too close to the door. Not long after he was down she heard, "Hey Sug! Whatcha doin Sug?" haha! He had turned the knob and opened the door. So she had to scoot him away.
Wednesday morning during breakfast he wanted to wear a "tickle hat." He and Pops ate breakfast with their tickle hats on.
Then they were off to fish. Sug and Pops bought him his very own fishing rod for Christmas, so he got to try it out. The first fish he and Sug caught took him by surprise. Sug said he couldn't crawl up into her lap anymore if he tried. :) He didn't want to touch them, but kept saying "catch another one." In all, he caught 3 brim.

Wednesday after his nap they headed in to Albany. Mema had invited them, and the rest of her family, over for supper. He got to see Avery, Banks, and Witt over there. Avery is almost 4; Banks is 7 months old and Witt is 4 months. Bryan called Banks "little buddy." :) When Avery got home that night she told her mommy that "Baby Bryan is not a baby anymore! AND, sometimes he speaks Spanish!" haha! We guess he was telling her something she didn't understand.
Thursday he was so tired he took an early nap. They then went downtown the the Riverquarium and turtle park to play.

Friday after lunch they headed this way and stayed with us all weekend.
We were excited to see Bryan. He seemed bigger and was saying new things. (He's now calling Rusty "Rusty Boy!")
Matt and I thank Sug and Pops so much for keeping him. We were able to go out to eat a couple of nights, go to the store by ourselves, and I was able to do some shopping. :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
blog post coming
Monday, April 13, 2009
We had a wonderful Easter weekend. Saturday, Bryan painted a cross as his art project. :) I found it while browsing Hobby Lobby Friday night and thought it would be something fun and meaningful for him to do. He really likes to color and paint so of course he enjoyed doing that. 

I spent a lot of Saturday afternoon making cupcakes copied from Bakerella. I LOVE her. She comes up with the most creative cakes, cupcakes, cake pops, etc. I saw these and thought they would be pretty simple to make. And they were. And oh so tasty! :)

Sunday afternoon mom and dad came up. Bryan hunted eggs in the backyard. It was his first egg hunt. (see video below) We cracked up at the way he slam dunked the eggs into the basket. He is so funny. I think he picked up all the eggs in the yard in record time.

After the egg hunt we ate lasagna and then dad and I went to the evening service at Brook Hills. It was a great time of worship. They had to leave this afternoon, but not after a quick trip to the California Pizza Kitchen. YUM!
Did you have a good Easter weekend?
P.S. There are more pictures here.

I spent a lot of Saturday afternoon making cupcakes copied from Bakerella. I LOVE her. She comes up with the most creative cakes, cupcakes, cake pops, etc. I saw these and thought they would be pretty simple to make. And they were. And oh so tasty! :)

Sunday afternoon mom and dad came up. Bryan hunted eggs in the backyard. It was his first egg hunt. (see video below) We cracked up at the way he slam dunked the eggs into the basket. He is so funny. I think he picked up all the eggs in the yard in record time.

After the egg hunt we ate lasagna and then dad and I went to the evening service at Brook Hills. It was a great time of worship. They had to leave this afternoon, but not after a quick trip to the California Pizza Kitchen. YUM!
Did you have a good Easter weekend?
P.S. There are more pictures here.
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